Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rosehips in the morning

, originally uploaded by canislatrans.

I thought the colors on this one would look nice against the black background here.. Just another picture of the spring in waiting out there on these crisp end of winter days. Before you know it the full force of spring will be upon us rushing us headlong into the sun.


Shannon said...

It's here!!! spring, i mean. a subtle blush gradually deepening towards a certain robust red. full moon too, an auspicious day for me to set intentions/goals for the season.


Shannon said...

P.S. RE: "Shannon/All Smiles" photo- (unfortunately, no comment option there)
compliment for blogger's work, by way of poking fun at myself.
Q: what's more egotistically goofy: commenting on a photo of yourself, or referring to yourself as a "blooming flower"? but here i go anyway:
it's pleasantly shocking to learn that they make cameras (and more to the point, photographers)these days that can cause a rose-flower to bloom right before your very eyes!
this photo, "Shannon smiles", to me represents the artist having a transformative effect on subject, no doubt.